Sheikh Ayub
Front End Developer - Mid
Employed Since: 2021-01-01
Date of Birth: January 01st
Personal Site:
Hometown: Dhaka
Sheikh Ayub
Front End Developer - Mid
About Sheikh Ayub:
Front End Developer Md. at American Best IT Limited
Sheikh Ayub completed his BSS & MSS from Dhaka College, Dhaka. which is under National University.
He completed Web Design and Development Course from ABIT Digital Marketing Academy and has obtained a certificate in Front End Web Development and got the opportunity to join as a front end developer at ABIT.
He is currently working as a Front-End Developer at American Best IT Ltd. His efficiency, reliability, hard work, and responsibility led him to win the “Amazing Addition 2021” prize from American Best IT Ltd.
He knows how to cope up well with new technology and learn things effectively. He has a ready to do attitude and can take any challenges in any situation.