Masum Billah Akhond, Front End - Expert

Masum Billah Akhond

Front End - Expert

Employed Since: 2021-01-01

Date of Birth: February 02nd

Personal Site:

Hometown: Narsingdi

Hobbies: Blogging, Traveling, Learning & Teaching

Certifications: Hifzul Quran, Takmil (Dawratul Hadith), Ifta (Islamic Law and Jurisprudence), Google FPM , Google FDM, CWD

Masum Billah Akhond

Front End - Expert

About Masum Billah Akhond:

Masum Billah Akhond holds a unique academic background, completing his bachelor's and master's degrees in Islamic Studies. He has also completed a professional course in Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, known as Ifta. Moreover, he is a Hafizul Quran.

In the realm of digital technology, Masum has achieved proficiency in Web Design and Development. His dedication led to a Front End Web Development certification and an internship opportunity as a Front-End Developer with American Best IT Ltd.

Furthermore, his commitment and integrity have earned recognition from the management of American Best IT Ltd. Currently, Masum Billah Akhond serves as a Front End - Expert at American Best IT Ltd, celebrated for his efficiency, reliability, hard work, and responsibility. His outstanding contributions were honored with the prestigious "Amazing Addition 2021" award from American Best IT Ltd.